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Books (9 of 37)
- Introduction to the study of language, its origins along with linguistic relativity, cognitive and social categories.Jan 2, 2020
- A set of practical strategies to embrace differences and work successfully across increasingly diverse business cultures. Publication coming from a chairman of an international institute of cross-cultural training with offices in over 30 countries and founder of the quarterly magazine Cross CultureDec 18, 2018
- The book provide an essential foundation for understanding the impact of culture on global business and global business on culture.Mar 17, 2017
- A collection of dialogues on interpreting conversations from the founder of intercultural communication training and consulting firm. 1998 text revised as second editionJan 24, 2017
- The volume systematically presents cultural-historical psychology as an integrative/holistic developmental science of mind, brain, and culture.Sep 30, 2014
- A book that illustrates the misunderstandings that can arise from clashing cultural assumptionsMay 27, 2014
- A collection of articles being an attempt at exploring and answering creativity questions from both the Eastern and Western perspectives.Aug 2, 2004
- The volume explores implications of research carried out within the general area of cultural linguistics for the learning of second languages and inter- cultural communicationApr 11, 2004
- The description of theory based on universal semantic primitives and relies on a 'natural semantic metalanguage'. Interaction with people by the use and expression of meanings free from ethocentric biasJun 7, 1991
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